
Campus Safety & Security

Student safety is a top priority of the Catherine Hinds Institute. As required by The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or “Clery Act”, Catherine Hinds Institute alerts students and employees in a timely manner of crimes that pose a serious or continuing threat to the Catherine Hinds Institute community. Depending on the nature and location of the incident, Catherine Hinds Institute may send an “ALERT” message to students, faculty, and staff at their email accounts, and/or mobile devices.

Catherine Hinds Institute prepares an annual Campus Safety & Security manual in compliance with the Clery Act. It includes reported campus crime statistics for the past three years and information about campus security policies. A printed report is available upon request by contacting the Director of Education at 781.935.3344 ext. 258.


The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) is the landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act, that requires schools, universities and institutions across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. The law is tied to an institution’s participation in federal student financial aid programs and it applies to most institutions of higher education both public and private. The Act is enforced by the United States Department of Education.

The law was amended in 1992 to add a requirement that schools afford the victims of campus sexual assault certain basic rights, and was amended again in 1998 to expand the reporting requirements. The 1998 amendments also formally named the law in memory of Jeanne Clery. Subsequent amendments in 2000 and 2008 added provisions dealing with registered sex offender notification and campus emergency response. The 2008 amendments also added a provision to protect crime victims, “whistleblowers”, and others from retaliation.

Policy Addressing General Procedures for Reporting a Crime or Emergency

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the Catherine Hinds Institute are encouraged to immediately report to the Director of Operations any incidents of criminal activity, medical emergencies, sexual harassment, hate crimes, or other public health and safety concerns.

If fire, hazardous material, or other types of potentially life-threatening environment exists, immediately evacuate the area and alert people in the surrounding area

  • Dial 911 to request emergency first response/ ambulance service.
    • Do not move the injured person unless it is necessary to prevent further injury.
  • Do not initiate treatment unless you have medical or first aid training.
  • The first person to reach the injured person should stay with him/her.
In Case of Emergency

Instructors have been trained to collect the class attendance roster/sign-in sheet from the bulletin board in their individual classrooms, escort their students to the nearest safe exit, and take attendance to ensure that all students are accounted for.

Instructors will then communicate via cell phone text with the school directors for further instructions.

The Institute has developed a “Safe Program” to remind everyone – students, administrators, instructors, etc. of the critical areas where safety can or could be jeopardized.


Throughout the facility are reminders of our safety procedures – large orange posters are displayed for emergency exiting and safe conduct while here at the Institute. These reminders are:


  • Students should practice smart safety procedures to protect themselves and their physical property; for example: lock belongings in a locker; never walk alone in the parking lot at night.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings; report suspicious activities to your instructor!
  • Follow instructions given during an emergency; and stay calm!
  • Every student should know how to exit the building in an emergency and must report to their instructor at their designated “safe place”, away from the building.
Policy Addressing Timely Warnings

Upon report or discovery of a campus emergency, the Director of Operations shall evaluate the situation and confirm that there is a significant campus emergency or dangerous situation on campus. Upon confirmation, the Director of Operations, Director of Compliance and the President shall convene to evaluate the extent of the emergency and to determine the appropriate segment(s) of the campus community to receive notification. The content of any emergency notification, as well as the appropriate segment or segments of the community to be notified, will be determined by this team. Decisions to act are made on a case-by-case basis, but if a decision to notify is made, these individuals will use one or a combination of the following:


Emergency Notification Methods

Fire alarm system: When a fire alarm is sounded, everyone must immediately vacate the building and walk calmly to the designated evacuation area.

Main school message for incoming callers — At the direction of the President or Director of Operations or designee will change the incoming message to reflect the emergency, which will override the existing incoming school message.

Broadcast email notification — At the direction of the President or Director of Operations, the Marketing department will disseminate a broadcast email throughout campus indicating the nature of the emergency.

School-wide phone text message notification —The Director of Operations will contact the Marketing department to activate the school-wide phone text message notification system.

Notification signage — At the direction of the President or Director of Operations, the Marketing department will post notification signs at all entrances to Catherine Hinds Institute indicating the nature of the emergency.

Community notification — In the event that a significant emergency or dangerous situation exists which may affect the greater community surrounding the school, and at the direction of the President, information will be made available via employee and student email, the school website (, and social media channels. The safety of the community will be taken into account and, without delay, the notification system will be implemented, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

Residence Halls

There are no boarding facilities at the Catherine Hinds Institute.

Encouragement of Reporting

The school community is periodically reminded and encouraged through postings, staff and student orientations, and electronic mail to report any and all incidents immediately to campus personnel.

Incident Reports

Upon receiving a report of any criminal activity, injury or accident, the instructor or Director of Operations will respond by completing an incident report, which is reviewed by the Director of Operations. Copies of incident reports are maintained within our location.

Policy for Addressing Criminal Activity Off Campus

If a student is charged with an off-campus violation of federal, state, or local laws, the school reserves the right to take disciplinary action and impose sanctions against the student. Proceedings under this student code may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings off-campus.

Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention & Referral Policy

The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention and referral Program at the Catherine Hinds Institute applies to ALL students and employees. The unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol are strictly prohibited at this institution. Students or employees who do not comply with this standard will be subject to institutional sanctions comprising the following:

Possession, use or distribution of any alcohol and/or illegal drugs will result in termination of employment from the Institute or, in the case of a student, termination from school.

The Institute will notify the student or employee in writing if it becomes aware of any violations of this policy. The student or employee may then request a formal hearing after receiving said notice. Three (3) members of the staff and/or faculty will comprise the hearing board. If the student or employee fails to request a hearing within three (3) business days, immediate termination will take place.

Should a hearing be requested, the student or employee will receive notification of the hearing date from the board. The student or employee has the right to be represented by legal counsel for this purpose. The hearing board will take testimony from all individuals involved in the case. The administration of the Institute will then be notified of the board’s decision, and will in turn notify the student or employee of the decision. In all cases, the hearing board’s decision is final.

We at the Institute realize the many problems that drugs and/or alcohol present to our society today. We will make every effort to assist students or staff with this life-threatening problem. If you feel that you have or might have a problem in this area, please contact a school official. We will refer you to a local alcohol and drug abuse program in our area.

If you would like to contact a program yourself, one is located at:

Alcoholics Anonymous, Inc. (Boston, MA) – 617.426.9444

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Program at McLean Hospital (Belmont, MA) – 617.855.3141

Domestic Violence

We at the Institute realize problems also exist in regards to Domestic Violence. If you or anyone you know need help, let us know or please contact:

SAFELINK – 877.785.2020

REACH Program – 800.899.4000

Hazing & Bullying Policy


 Hazing/Bullying is a crime under Massachusetts law and will not be tolerated at the Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics. Hazing means any conduct whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Bullying is the repeated use by one or more student or staff member [aggressor(s)] of a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a target that: (i) causes physical or emotional harm to the target or damage to the target’s property; (ii) places the target in reasonable fear of harm to them or of damage to their property; (iii) creates a hostile environment at school for the target; (iv) infringes on the rights of the target at school; or (v) materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school.


Students or staff may report incidents of Hazing/Bullying by contacting the Director of Operations, Francesca DeRosa at 781 935 3344 x257 or via email   Students or staff may also report incidents via the online form link below.


Examples of Bullying/ Harassment Communication:


  • Name Calling
  • Causing physical or emotional harm to the victim or the victim’s property
  • Places the victim in reasonable fear of harm to himself or of damage to his property
  • Creates a hostile environment at school for the victim
  • Using Vulgar language towards someone
  • Aggressively speaking to another person
  • Making Jokes at someone else’s expense
  • Excluding someone from a group


If any individual is found to have engaged in hazing/bullying, the relationship between the School and the student/staff member may be severed. See Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 26 sections 17, 18, & 19 on Hazing and see chapter 71, section 370 on Bullying.


Investigations into possible violation(s) of these policies will be conducted internally by the Director of Operations and the Executive team.


The investigation into bullying/harassment will begin as follows:

The victim should report the bullying/harassment situation immediately. The Administration team will meet with the victim to understand the time, date, and location of the incident and take action. They will gather information and details about the roles of the victim and student aggressor(s). With the permission of the victim, the Administration will meet with the student aggressor(s) to review the incident and decide next steps to be taken. Those steps could be the following (with permission of the victim):

  • The Director of Operations and the Director of Education first meets with the student who is having an issue (victim) to understand what has transpired (all information is taken in writing from the victim)
  • The Director of Operations collects information and interviews other sources ( classmates and faculty, any other relevant individuals) to understand the severity of the situation.
  • The Directors will review any evidence being presented (text messages, emails, social media posts, and any other applicable documentation)
  • All information and evidence will be analyzed by the Institute team of Directors while also reviewing Institute records to understand if an incident has happened prior with the individuals
  • From this the Directors will make a determination of whether to take steps (with the victim’s permission) to mediate both parties and find a solution
  • If this is agreed upon a mediation meeting between all parties involved with the Director of Operations and a witness to resolve the issue and create a safe environment
  • If mediation does not resolve the issue, or the issue continues after the mediation, the Institute will involuntarily withdraw the student aggressor(s) from the Institute immediately. They will have the opportunity to re-apply to the Institute three months after their last date of attendance. The student aggressor(s) are not charged for any hours they did not complete at the Institute.
  • All information and outcomes will be documented and clearly explained to all participants. Both parties will have the opportunity to appeal the decision


Should the student aggressor(s) be found in violation of the Institute’s Hazing/Bullying and Insubordination Policies they will involuntarily withdrawn from the Program.  In accordance with the Institute’s Withdrawal Policy – the student will be allowed to reapply to the Institute after a three month probationary period.  Should the staff aggressor(s) be found in violation of the Institute’s Hazing/Bullying Policy – the staff member will be terminated from employment.





Failure to adhere to any of the Institute’s policies or procedures will be considered insubordination. In addition, speaking disrespectfully to any faculty or administrative team member; as well as your peers, will also be considered insubordination and grounds for immediate dismissal from the Institute.


Examples of Insubordination:


  • Failure to follow clock in/out or sign in/out procedures
  • Failure to be partnered with another student
  • Failure to participate in class or follow instructions
  • Disrespectful or aggressive communication towards any student, faculty or administrative team member.
  • Failure to complete daily/nightly chores/duties


The investigation into the student insubordination policy will begin as follows:

The student/faculty/admin member will report the insubordination situation immediately. The Administration team will meet with the student/faculty/admin member to understand the time, date, and location of the incident and take action. They will gather information and details about the roles of the student/faculty/admin member and alleged student insubordinate. With the permission of the student/faculty/admin member, the Administration will meet with the alleged student insubordinate to review the incident and decide next steps to be taken. Those steps could be the following (with permission of the student/faculty/admin member):

  • The Director of Operations and the Director of Education first meets with the student/faculty/admin member who is having an issue to understand what has transpired (all information is taken in writing from the student/faculty/admin member)
  • The Director of Operations collects information and interviews other sources ( classmates and faculty, any other relevant individuals) to understand the severity of the situation.
  • The Directors will review any evidence being presented (text messages, emails, social media posts, and any other applicable documentation)
  • All information and evidence will be analyzed by the Institute team of Directors while also reviewing Institute records to understand if an incident has happened prior with the individuals
  • From this the Directors will make a determination of whether to take steps (with the student/faculty/admin member permission) to mediate both parties and find a solution
  • If this is agreed upon a mediation meeting between all parties involved with the Director of Operations and a witness to resolve the issue and create a safe environment
  • If mediation does not resolve the issue, or the issue continues after the mediation, the Institute will involuntarily withdraw the student insubordinate from the Institute immediately. They will have the opportunity to re-apply to the Institute three months after their last date of attendance. The student insubordinate are not charged for any hours they did not complete at the Institute.
  • All information and outcomes will be documented and clearly explained to all participants. Both parties will have the opportunity to appeal the decision


Should the student be found in violation of the Institute’s Hazing/Bullying and Insubordination Policies they will involuntarily withdrawn from the Program.  In accordance with the Institute’s Withdrawal Policy – the student will be allowed to reapply to the Institute after a three month probationary period.  Should the staff aggressor(s) be found in violation of the Institute’s Hazing/Bullying Policy – the staff member will be terminated from employment.





Should a student have a complaint about the Institute their first step would be to complete the following form (TFA). A form can be obtained outside of the Director of Operations office as well as in the student break room. Once the form is completed it can be brought to Francesca DeRosa Director of Operations. Francesca will review the form and address the complaints in person with the student and a witness. Every effort will be made to rectify the issue by addressing the student/students/faculty member/admin member and ensuring the complaint is resolved.





Schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges must have a procedure and operational plan for handling student complaints. If a student does not feel that the school has adequately addressed a complaint or concern, the student may consider contacting the Accrediting Commission. All complaints reviewed by the Commission must be in written form and should grant permission for the Commission to forward a copy of the complaint to the school for a response. This can be accomplished by filing the ACCSC Complaint Form. The complainant(s) will be kept informed as to the status of the complaint as well as the final resolution by the Commission.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302

Arlington, VA 22201

(703) 247-4212 |

A copy of the ACCSC Complaint Form is available at the school may be obtained by contacting or at


A copy of the Commission’s Complaint Form is available at the school and may be obtained by contacting: Francesca DeRosa, Director of Operations



Policy Addressing Sexual Assault Prevention and Response and Whom to Contact

Catherine Hinds Institute strongly advocates that a victim of sexual assault report the incident in a timely manner. Time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation.

Whom to Contact

A student claiming physical or sexual assault by an employee or another student of the school shall report the incident to:

  • Francesca DeRosa, Director of Operations – 781.935.3344 ext. 257 or
  • An G. Hinds, President/CEO – 781.935.3344 ext. 222 or

In matters involving physical assault, students and employees are strongly encouraged to report the incident to local authorities:

Woburn Police – Dial 911 in an emergency, or 781.933.1212.

If requested, the institution will change a victim’s academic situation if reasonable accommodations can be made. Employees of the Catherine Hinds Institute are encouraged to access individual counseling and support through their health benefit plan.

Sexual assault, as defined in the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reporting System includes forcible and non-forcible offenses, and is a criminal offense. When an allegation of sexual assault is made, the school will inform the alleged victim as to their rights to pursue criminal prosecution under Massachusetts criminal statutes.

All allegations of sexual assault will be handled confidentially and will be investigated. Both the accuser and the accused will have equal opportunity to appeal under due process. Following a final determination of an institutional disciplinary proceeding, the school may involve appropriate law enforcement agencies. In addition, appropriate campus disciplinary action may be pursued, up to and including expulsion.

Policy for Reporting the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics

The Catherine Hinds Institute’s Director of Compliance prepares the Annual Safety & Security Report which is published and made available each October. This report will include important safety information and detailed crime statistics for the previous three years. The crime statistics listed in this report are also available upon request from the Director of Education at 781.935-3344 ext. 259.

Catherine Hinds Institute, in accordance with these requirements and its philosophy of establishing and maintaining an environment of learning and a supportive climate in which to conduct the business and mission of the school, provides the Campus Safety policies and procedures at

Hate Crimes

The Clery Act requires institutions to separately report all Hate Crimes statistics. Please refer to Campus Crime Statistics.